My monthly Giving Back campaign to social justice non-profits is taking a break as the studio is slow as I recover from carpal tunnel surgery. Keep a look-out for it to resume! 5% all online sales

Mind Your Business: Zen and the Art of MONEY Management


Sold out! Please email to see if any more might be in the works, or if you'd like a custom order.

A 2 day, in-person budgeting workshop led by Erica Moody, metal craftsman and biz owner for at least 21 years.  Held at the lovely Waldoboro Inn.  Lunch provided.  Sliding scale fee!

  • Are you a creative based small biz owner?
  • Looking for some more control over moula?
  • Is your income sporadic and hard to count on?
  • Would you like to start to make peace with your buckaroos with the support of other creative biz owners??

In-person, 2 afternoons

Sat& Sun, Feb. 1 & 2

The Waldoboro Inn, Waldoboro, ME

1 - 5, simple lunch provided

Registration is open!

This workshop will be a combination of short lectures and interactive work, with time to review and discuss with a supportive community of fellow creative business owners.  I myself came late to budgeting, as I never thought I had enough income to budget! But when I did, it changed my biz and personal life, and I'd love to share some of what I learned.

A laptop computer is very helpful, as we will be working with a budgeting app, YNAB, the thoughts of the Profit First system written by Mike Michalowicz and spreadsheets...with loving guidance.  (Neither mention is sponsoring this workshop, I just love their systems!)

Registration: In an effort to keep these workshop offerings as affordable as possible to all, special class fee options are available at 60% to 100% of the full cost.  For full cost, you can pay to register through this page.  Other options to register and pay 60-100% , please pay with the following:

  • venmo: @Erica-Moody-7 with subject Zen Money, name and email
  • paypal:, with subject Zen Money, name and email
  • request invoice to pay with credit card at

Receipts will be given for all payments so that you can write this off as a biz expense!



Please note the dates and duration of the workshops in the drop-down menus before purchasing.  Before the class begins, you will receive an email with instructions to access the workshop.

Cancellation policies

We do appreciate that sometimes-unforeseen circumstances happen.  We also require at least 5 registrations to be able to cover our costs and the ongoing viability of the workshop.  3 days before the start of the class we will contact registrants if the workshop is unable to run due to low enrollment.  (Bring a friend, get 10% off!)

If you need to cancel, you can always transfer registration to a friend or colleague...just send along their name and contact details prior to the workshop.  Otherwise, cancelations must be in writing via email, and the policies are as follows:

  • More than three weeks before start date: A cancellation fee of 10% of the total workshop cost applies.
  • Less than three weeks before start date: 25% cancellation fee applies.
  • 48 hours or less before class start: No refund, as it will be difficult to fill the space.

Please note that there are no make-ups for missed sessions.


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